1. “And also with you” – A surefire way of identifying those who haven’t been to Mass since last Christmas.
2. Ah, Catholic guilt.
3. Ah, memories of trying to dislodge the communion from the roof of your mouth with your tongue.
4. Seriously, it would be on its knees.
6. “Amen. Am I right, ladies?”
7. *bursts into tears*
8. See also: wearing a fluorescent club wristband to Mass.
9. It’s a vicious circle, really.
10. Same, tbh.
11. “Yes, Mam, Fr. Kelly gave a lovely Mass”
12. ;)
13. Care to comment, Pope Francis?
14. Ash Wednesday: when you pray you end up with a cross on your forehead and not some half-arsed smudge
15. “What are you saying?” “I’m saying sorry for fighting with my sister.” “Grand, I’m using that as well.”